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Text that says MEET YOUR GUIDES. Chandra Vida retreats.

caro lokah


Caro Lokah profile picture with pink hair and pink background. She has her leg over her head and her hands in prayer. At a Chandra Vida yoga retreat.

I’m a South Florida native, where my enduring love affair with yoga ignited at the tender age of 15 through the traditional 26&2 practice. This initial spark led me on a journey to explore and deepen my understanding of Asanas.

By the age of 24, I fulfilled a dream by opening and running my own yoga school, Original Hot Yoga 305. It was more than just a space for the 26&2 practice; it was a haven for exploration. I aimed to create a space where curiosity thrived, inviting individuals to explore diverse yoga approaches such as Ashtanga, traditional Hatha, movement meditation, mantra, and more.

Although OHY305 closed its physical doors during the pandemic, the essence of that school continues to live within me. Now, I find immense joy in traveling and sharing the wealth of knowledge I’ve gathered on this journey post-college.

Yoga has been my steadfast companion and a source of a solid community throughout my life. With over 20 years of active participation in this community, I’ve witnessed how yoga, particularly the practice of Asanas, equips us with various tools and approaches for the greater good of healing.

I’m thrilled at the prospect of meeting you and sharing the transformative power of yoga.



Levi profile picture with yellow background. He is standing with his arms crossed with a big smile.At a Chandra Vida yoga retreat.

(500 hr comprehensive training & 600 hr advanced training), Sacred Geometry Yoga, FRC Mobility Specialist, Animal Flow, and Savate Kickboxing.

Anatomical acuity has always been a grounding force as he explores each new modality, as well as a deep passion for understanding the “why” behind the “what”. Levi believes that mindful movement will animate the bigger picture of the body. He currently continues his academic work at the Institute of Structural Medicine to become a licensed Structural Integrator. 

Having studied with numerous brilliant minds, he speaks many different movement languages and can break complex concepts into simple pieces that are easy to recognize. When Levi is not teaching, you can find him on the nearest mountain peak contemplating the many meanings of life or monkeying around Manhattan searching for the Man with the Yellow Hat.



Alex Crow profile picture on yellow background. Chandra Vida retreats.

Alex had her first yoga (vinyasa) class in 1997. From that first session, she was hooked. The practice of being aware of one’s breath, focusing on the body’s movement to connect to one’s inner world awakened her to a new perspective on living.

She fell hard again for the Bikram (26+2) series in 2006. She had found the intensity and discipline she didn’t know she needed and craved. 

In 2011 she completed her Bikram Yoga training in L.A. In 2016 she completed her 200 hour training in Vinyasa Yoga with Jared McCann at the Lighthouse Yoga School in Brooklyn. She also trained in Power Yoga with Baron Baptiste in 2017. 

Her love and curiosity of asana led her to compete in several yoga asana championships, placing 3rd in the Northeast in February 2020. 

She aims to use her collected bag of skills to encourage her students to get curious about their inner worlds and help them to know themselves better. 



Koltie profile picture. She has hands behind her head, lots of tattoos with an orange background. Chandra Vida retreats.

Hi, Friends. I’m Kolton. I’ve been practicing and teaching yoga for nearly a decade. Yoga has given me many things you might expect—a sense of ease through effort, modest confidence, a stronger mind-body connection, diminished pain from old injuries, and so on. However, it’s the unexpected outcomes from my practice and teaching that truly humble me. We often think of yoga as a practice that affects us individually—self-discovery, self-discipline, self-regulation. But the connections that exist outside of myself are the ones I find most profound. Through yoga, I’ve met the most wonderful people, formed authentic and deep friendships, found the love of my life, and traveled to places that are now very special to me.

I believe there is no right or wrong reason to practice. Whether it’s to quiet the mind or to learn how to do a handstand, any reason is valid. Perhaps the most significant aspect is to show up and devote yourself to a consistent practice, which, in turn, may give you more than you ever thought you needed. Whether we realize it or not, the entirety of our lives is a search for balance. Perhaps our practice reveals what to hold on to and what to let go. It’s up to you. Have a stoic practice, have a playful practice—both may serve you.

I’m an E RYT 200, a certified 26&2 instructor, and a certified Iron Yoga instructor. The majority of the classes I teach are Flow, Sculpt, and Yin.



Stacey profile picture. She is wearing an electric blue puffy coat with an orange background. Chandra Vida retreats.

Stacey is a facilitator of meaningful, impactful and sometimes intense group experiences. She works in a variety of ways, all which include authenticity, honesty, vulnerability and fierce love. She is most alive when the mystery of our world meets the tenderness of the human spirit. Dissociative states, or trance states, create powerful opportunities to explore the subconscious mind, and all of her work is in service of creating opportunities for these moments.

She has studied and worked with teachers from all over the world, and embodies an alchemy of modalities, such as BreathTrance, Groups and Retreats.

She has been referred to as a Holy Woman, Curandera, Medicine Woman, Healer and Elder.

Stacey loves working with people, and holds in highest esteem the ability to laugh and be playful with the dark and shadowy parts that keep us scrambling, anxious and/or avoidant. She loves to hold the flashlight and accompany you into your most suppressed wounds, and those pesky dark inner caves, in service of your healing and development and expanded consciousness.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek” is her motto, and she is fearless and skilled when it comes to spelunking the psyche.

She holds an MA in Clinical Psychology, and is Certified in Integral Coaching, Heart-Centered Breath work, Psychodrama, and Kambo facilitation.

She has been married almost 30 years, to the best angler/hockey player she’s ever known, and has 2 daughters that keep her honest and bring the greatest source of love and gratitude to her life.

Her dogs, Roja and Pedrito are the second greatest sources of love.



Jules profile picture. She is sitting in a comfortable chair with a pink background. At a Chandra Vida yoga retreat.

I’ve always been the one walking barefoot and doing weird things. I grew up surrounded by Mother Nature and Family: a grandad teaching me to pick wild mushrooms, the other one telling me to be mindful of ants, a grandma teaching me how to grow veggies, the other one showing me the love for food.  My dad taught me to read with a greek philosophy book and passed on his passion for climbing, my mum gave me unconditional love, my sister what respecting boundaries means.

I studied literature and philosophy whilst being a professional Karate athlete. I came to London to escape, I followed a career in fashion and had a mild burn-out. I now teach full-time and live in a converted van with two kitties and my soulmate. Meditation and Love fill my days. Now my existence is Yoga. 

YOGA STYLES: LAAiC, Dharma, Ghosh, Restorative & Mobility, Vedic Meditation, BreathWork & Kriya, Ashtanga, Yin *Expect stillness in movement



Tara profile pic. She is in a deep standing split posture with a yellow background. She is wearing a black one-piece. Chandra Vida retreats.

Hi 👋 my name is Tara, I love practicing yoga & being upside down. I am the current 2024 National Yoga Champion 🙃🥹. I am beyond honored to rep for USAYoga 🇺🇸 in the international competition this December in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Say what?! Is this even real life. Yup apparently so.

I began my yoga practice at age 31, 2 years after getting sober & I was hooked from day #1. I was immediately relieved of back & shoulder pain & even more valuable mental & emotional realms. My work has always been more extreme in these areas than the physical realm. I’m not gonna lie I loved the high I got from hot yoga! I am forever grateful to the practice of unity & oneness for helping me & so many others realize who we are!

I immediately dove into a teacher training & have been teaching the last 12 years as an avenue to practice more. I am constantly continuing my education & development. Along the way I fell in love with teaching. My practices & teaching have remained consistent, devoted, & gained in discipline over the past 12 years. I am now dedicated to 84 asanas & would love to share my love with you.

I see this long holiday weekend as a chance to dance in 84 together, learn new skills on your hands, develop discipline, strengthen & open body parts, & to learn/practice yoga exercises to help you develop access to yoga asanas you’d like to try! There will even be time for championship style routines. I guarantee Caro will leading some dope chanting and mediation exercises for us to continue our physic development. Whether you are interested in yoga sport or simply continuing the tradition of 84 asanas join in. New Mexico is on my bucket list & I can’t wait for our excursion go Meowolf. I love knowing that anything is possible it’s just a matter of believing it!

Tagline image that says COME AS YOU ARE. LEAVE WHAT YOU'RE NOT. Chandra Vida retreats.
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